Marquis Who's Who Millennium Magazine

426 MILLENNIUM E dward Slavko Yambrusic is an author, legal consultant and attorney who has practiced international, intellectual property and immigration law privately and as a federal employee since 1969. Starting as a copyright examiner for the U.S. Copyright Office, he later acted as an attorney advisor to the Register of Copyrights for nearly 30 years and received a certificate of commendation from the Library of Congress for his 40 years of dedicated service to the people of the United States. He has also served as president and legal counsel to AMCRO International Consultants, Inc., the National Confederation of American Ethnic Groups, Inc., the Croatian Academy of America, Inc., and the National Ethnic Studies Assembly since 1995, 1970, 1971, and 1976, respectively. In 2010, Dr. Yambrusic published “Peace at the Price of Justice and Human Dignity: Reflections on the Hague Tribunals and ‘Judicialization’ of International Conflicts,” which captures the sense of indignation felt by many who oppose the detainment and prosecution of Croatian generals and soldiers by the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY). Featuring a prologue written by Dr. Dorothy S. McClellan, a professor at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi and former Fulbright scholar in Croatia, Dr. Yambrusic’s book calls into question the legality and morality of the ICTY’s practice of “moral equivalency.” It is his firm belief that for the sake of human dignity and justice, the soldiers —who acted in defense of their own country — should not be tried before the same tribunals as those Serbian criminals who committed war crimes against innocent citizens. His other works include “Treaty Interpretation: Theory and Reality” and “Trade-Based Approaches to the Protection of Intellectual Property,” which were published in 1987 and 1992, respectively. Dr. Yambrusic is a member of the American Bar Association, the American branch of the International Law Association, the American Society of International Law, the Croatian Academy of America and the Croatian Fraternal Union of America. He has been admitted to the Maryland Bar and the Supreme Court of the United States, and he is a Fellow of the Hague Academy of International Law and International Relations. In addition to a Bachelor of Arts and Doctor of Jurisprudence, he received a Ph.D. in public international law from the Catholic University of America and a diploma from the Centre for Studies and Research in International Law and International Relations. Edward Slavko Yambrusic, Ph.D. Lawyer Washington, D.C.