Marquis Who's Who Millennium Magazine

135 A Marquis Who's Who Magazine S ince 1986, Scott Hogenson Filstrup has served as founder and president of The Consultants Lid, a privately held, Tulsa-based strategic planning and management consulting firm assisting clients with mergers, acquisitions and partnerships. With nearly five decades of management experience, Mr. Filstrup has been recognized for his expertise, particularly in the field of international energy and planning. Following graduation with a Master of Business Administration from Northwestern University’s business school, he joined Monsanto Company. After successfully turning around a plastic product line in his first assignment, he received a number of promotions prior to joining The Williams Companies (TWC). There he served as director of strategic planning and forecasting for the company’s largest subsidiary, Agrico Chemical Company. He assumed a variety of additional planning roles with TWC before joining MAPCO, Inc. as manager of strategic planning. Subsequently he has served in C-level management positions as a result of client engagements through his consulting firm. Mr. Filstrup has been a national speaker for the marketing, planning, chemical and metals industries and has served on the Northwestern University board of trustees, as well as the Kellogg (Northwestern) dean’s advisory board. A member of the American Marketing Association, he has contributed to its American Marketing Journal and has been a member of the Automotive Parts and Accessories Association and the Tulsa Economics Club. He served for two years as president of The Williams Companies management association and is currently active in the Rotary Club of Tulsa and as an officer and board member of Junior Achievement of Oklahoma. In addition to his MBA, Mr. Flstrup holds a Bachelor of Science in civil engineering from Northwestern. He has been featured inWho’s Who in Finance and Industry, Who’s Who in America, Who’s Who in the South and Southwest, Who’s Who in the World, andWho’s Who of Emerging Leaders in America. Scott Hogenson Filstrup President, Marketing Consultant The Consultants Ltd Tulsa, OK