Marquis Who's Who Millennium Magazine

226 MILLENNIUM C ertified in whole brain learning by the John David Learning Institute, Tom Kenyon has served as a psychotherapist since 1983. Mr. Kenyon has helped people overcome their emotional problems and cope with tough situations using a range of psychological treatments, including hypnotherapy, cognitive behavioral therapy and psychodynamic therapy. To prepare for his successful career, he earned a Bachelor of Arts in communication, drama and speech from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro in 1976 and a Master of Arts in psychological counseling from Columbia Pacific University in 1983, and he completed postgraduate studies in Ericksonian medical hypnosis through the Southeast Institute. As a noted pioneer in the field of psychoacoustic research and a world-renowned practitioner of psychoacoustic healing, he has shared his knowledge and expertise at psychoacoustic immersion seminars since 1993. Mr. Kenyon has utilized his knowledge and professional experiences to write several works, including “Brain States” and “MindThieves,” and he co-authored “The Magdalen Manuscript” and “The Arcturian Anthology.” He is also the creator of more than 60 psychoacoustic recordings under the auspices of Acoustic Brain Research, as well as documentaries such as “Song of the New Earth: Tom Kenyon and the Power of Sound,” a film that takes a look at his work in the field of sound healing and psychospiritual transformation. Aside from his career, he is also a humanitarian who has given back to his community tremendously. He is the co-founder, along with his wife, Judi Sion Kenyon, of The Sound Healing Foundation, an organization that records indigenous chanters and distributes their recordings worldwide. Currently, the foundation helps support one nunnery inTibet and two in Bhutan by distributing recordings of their unique chants, which date back 13 centuries. One hundred percent of the proceeds are given to those who were recorded. Mr. Kenyon received the RaymondTaylor Award for Excellence in the Performing Arts from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro in 1970. Tom Kenyon Researcher, Composer, Author Psychotherapist, Teacher Orcas, WA