Marquis Who's Who Millennium Magazine

316 MILLENNIUM A certified social worker in Kentucky and Washington, D.C., John Brewton Rabun Jr. has served as the director of infant abduction for the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children since 2012. To prepare for his career, Mr. Rabun earned a Bachelor of Arts fromMercer University and completed postgraduate work at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and a Master of Social Work from the University of Louisville. Shortly after obtaining his master’s degree, he became an executive director for the Kentucky Civil Liberties Union, serving in that position for one year. He continued to excel in leadership roles as director of Community Residential Treatment Services in Louisville, Kentucky, and program manager of Field Services and the Exploited and Missing Child Unit. In 1984, he made a home at the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children in Washington, D.C., earning the position of executive vice president and chief executive officer, working in that capacity from 1984 to 2012, and again from 2006 to 2012. His hard work and dedication have aided in his many achievements, including being the recipient of the Key to the City of Louisville in 1983, the Distinguished Alumnus Award from the University of Louisville in 1985 and 2003, the Russell L. Colling Literature Award from the International Association for Healthcare Security and Safety in 1991, as well as being named honorable Chief of Police of the City of Louisville in 1982. He is a member of the American Civil Liberties Union, the National Association of Social Workers, the National Sheriffs’ Association, the International Juvenile Officers Association, the Academy of Certified Social Workers, the International Association for Healthcare Security and Safety, ASIS International and the International Association of Chiefs of Police. In 2015, Mr. Rabun was featured in the Savannah Morning News for his work to ensure child safety. For more information, please visit: acce nt/2015-03-07/tybee-mans-work-led-rescue- 80000-children. y and Washington, , John Brewton Rabun s served as the direct r o i fant tion for the National C nte for i g and Exploited Childre since . To prepare for his ca eer, Mr. Rabun earned a Bachelo of Arts f om Mercer University and completed p stgradua e work a Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and a Master of Social Work from the University o L uisville. Shortly after obtaining his aster’s degre , h became an exec tive d rector for the Kentucky Civil L berties U ion, serving in that p sition for one year. He continued to excel in leader hip ro es as director of Community Resid ial Treatment Services in Louisville, Kentu ky, and program manager of Field Services a d the Exploit d and Missing Child Uni . In 1984, he made a home at the Natio al Center for Missing a d Expl ited Children in Washingto , D.C., serving as exe utive vice president and chief executive officer from 1984 to 2012 and again from 2006 to 2012. rd work an edication have ai ed in his many achiev ments, s ch as receiving the key to the city of Louisville in 1983, the Dis inguished Alumnus Award from the Univ rsity of Louisville in 1985 and 2003, and the Russell L. Colling Literature Awa d f om the International Association for Healthca e S curity and Safet i 1991, as well as being nam d honorable Chief of Pol ce the City of Louisville in 1982. Mr. R bun is a member of the Amer can Civ l Liberties Union, the Nati n l Associati n of Social Workers, the National Sheriffs’ Association, the International Juven le Officers ssociati n, the Academy of Ce tified Social Workers, the International Associ tion for Healthcare Security and Safety, ASIS International and the Internationa Association of Chiefs of Polic . In 2015, was featured in the Savannah Morning N w for his work o ensure child safety. For more inform ation, please visit: sava work-led-rescue-80000-children. John Brewton Rabun Jr. Criminal Justice Agency Administrator National Center for Missing and Exploited Children Alexandria, VA