Millennium_12th Edition_Eric Wiles

109 Millennium - A Marquis Who’s Who Magazine EDUCATION A scholar, publisher and author of historical fiction, R. Bacon Whitney has developed over 40 years protohistory as a genre, in lieu of proto-history as a generic narrative process. He is a proponent of modern educationof Greek andRoman classicalmythography, whichhe terms New Greek Mythology, to an academic study of Antiquity that is particular to origination of the Late Aegean and EasternMediterranean Bronze Ages from1600 to 1200 BC. Hewrites under Bardot Books by self-publishing under the pseudonym, S.W. Bardot. He is aimful towards revival and restoration of public interest in the Classical Studies curricula of American colleges and universities. Mr. Whitney’s books have offered tabulation of prehistoric dating for both mythic personages of the 15th, 14th and 13th centuries BC. They are at the core of the Great Oral Tradition, whose most famous sagas were a purely recitative Greek that made no distinction between fictional and non-fictional historicity. The cited opera of its rhapsodists conformed to an Idyllic Age, wherein the primordial belief systems related to the Earth Mother Creatrix and her progeny of Titanesses and Titans. Mr. Whitney’s protohistories largely quash Ancient Greek fantasies, including the Pre-Classical Tradition that upholds the Olympian Pantheon as a premature Bronze Age origination. He has written biographies relating to dynasts such as Pelops, Sisyphus, Cephalos, Kadmos and Aiakos, all by an era of late patriarchs who were champions of Matriarchs, whereby a most famous Helen of that ilk ended the LABA with her own era. Mr. Whitney's Helen proves the very last matriarch and foremost luminary who informed that Age. Mr. Whitney graduated from Harvard College and Stanford University, left his pursuits as an executive director at modern language conversational instruction, and cashed out of real estate venture packaging and redevelopment. Ten years following 1984 as his re-immersion and selfupdating in the disciplines of antiquity, whereby he developed the paradigms that distill robust academic expository fiction from plausible biographies and oldest regional parallelisms as between the “Champions of Heroines.” He continues to develop that atlas, whereby those and other motifs elevate protohistory to a more intellectually honest fictional art. R. BACON WHITNEY PREHISTORIAN, AUTHOR State College, PA