Millennium_12th Edition_Lieda Shadwick

301 Millennium - A Marquis Who’s Who Magazine SOCIAL SERVICES AND NONPROFIT comprised solely of volunteers, which includes a board of directors with a nonprofit specialist, an attorney, a bookkeeper and a grant writer. Composing the idea of Put on the Cape after serving 15 years in law enforcement as a police officer and child crimes detective, Mr. Reavie formerly investigated 1,500 cases of crimes against children. During this time, he met a child suffering from severe abuse who could not communicate. However, after Mr. Reavie mentioned superheroes to the child, the child discussed his abuse. As a result, Mr. Reavie was able to make an arrest and save the child from future abuse. Shortly thereafter, Mr. Reavie developed Superheroes September, a series of superhero events that allowed him to hold similar events throughout the year with Put on the Cape. Notably, Put on the Cape is also composed of a “Cause Play” team of cosplayers, professional costumed actors and actresses who portray the image of various superheroes, as well as subcommittees that handle the nonprofit’s various events, such as golf tournaments, car shows, races and “signature superhero events.” To this end, the nonprofit supports eight Arizona-based child advocacy centers. Furthermore, Mr. Reavie is a contributor to Cameo Courage, another nonprofit organization that sends cosplayers to medical clinics to visit and support children with various pediatric diseases and mental illness. Mr. Reavie earned a Master of Arts in organizational leadership from Northern Arizona University in 2016, graduating with a 4.0 grade point average and being inducted into Phi Kappa Phi. For Put on the Cape’s success, the organization received a national Top-Rated Award from Great Nonprofits in 2021. Looking toward the future, Mr. Reavie intends to publish two books. Put on the Cape: A Foundation for Hope is a nonprofit charitable organization that was established in 2019 by Sean E. Reavie. Serving as founder, chief executive officer and president, Mr. Reavie leverages Put on the Cape to support children suffering from acute physical and/or sexual abuse. Additionally, Put on the Cape is SEAN E. REAVIE FOUNDER, CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER, PRESIDENT Put on the Cape: A Foundation for Hope Glendale, AZ