Millennium_12th Edition_Lieda Shadwick

313 Millennium - A Marquis Who’s Who Magazine TECHNOLOGY AUTHOR, ARTIST, TEACHER, CHEMICAL SCIENTIST ArtMolecular Concepts, LLC Tyrone, GA GRANT DELBERT VENERABLE II, PHD Driven to enter the sciences since receiving an undergraduate degree from the University of California Los Angeles, Dr. Grant Delbert Venerable II then attended the University of Chicago, where he received an MS and PhD in physical chemistry in 1967 and 1970, respectively. Now drawing upon over 50 years of experience in science education, he has excelled as an artist, teacher and chemical scientist at ArtMolecular Concepts, LLC since 2019. Earlier in his career, he served such institutions as Lincoln University, Chicago State University and California Polytechnic State University, amongmany others, in leadership and academic roles. During his career, he focused his instruction on chemistry and African American studies. He also served Ventek Software, Inc., as president and chief executive officer for seven years. During his tenure at California Polytechnic State University, Dr. Venerable secured grants to develop innovative approaches to teaching chemistry, interdisciplinary science and the humanities, which he considers career highlights. The author of the 2019 book, “Human Footsteps in Art, Science, and the Chaotic Unknown Oracles and Kinfolk,” alongside four other works, he earned the National Educational Leadership Award from the JGT Foundation of San Francisco in 1996.