Millennium_13th Ed_Marty Herman

115 Millennium - A Marquis Who’s Who Magazine EDUCATION care needs of patients. Dr. Jonas’ “Springer Series on Medical Education,” 20 volumes and founded in 1980, was the first series of its type: “Triathloning for Ordinary Mortals” (1986) was the first in the sport written for beginners, and “Regular Exercise: A Handbook for Clinical Practice” (1995) was the first to describe the exercise prescription in clinical practice. The “American College of Sport Medicine’s Exercise is Medicine,” co-authored with Edward Phillips (2009), expanded on that theme. “The ‘I-Don’t-Eat-but-I¬Can’t-Lose’ Weight-Loss Program,” co-authored with Virginia Aronson (1989), presented Dr. Jonas’ diet-induced/low-calorie overweight hypothesis andweight loss program, followed by “Take Control of Your Weight” (1993). The first preventive medicine textbook organized around health and disease risk factors, “Health Promotion and Disease Prevention in Clinical Practice” was co-edited with StephenWoolf (2nd Ed., 2008). Dr. Jonas was an early developer of the “Co-Factor Hypothesis of the Natural History of HIV Infection/AIDS” (paper, 1989) and “Towards a Unified Field Theory of the Pathogenesis of AIDS” in 1995. He developed the “Comprehensive Public Health Approach to the Drug Problem,” leading to his book “Ending the ‘Drug War:’ Solving the Drug Problem” (2016). “Duathlon Training and Racing for Ordinary Mortals®” (2012) was the first modern book on this variant of triathlon. Under the pseudonym Jonathan Westminster, “The 15% Solution: A Political History of American Fascism, 2001-2022,” was published in 1996 and re-issued in 2013 under his own name as “The 15% Solution: How the Republican Religious Right Took Control of the U.S., 1981-2022.” Dr. Jonas’ most recent book is “Trump’s Presidential Years: History as it Happened, 2011-2021,” in six volumes, published on Kindle in December 2022. Dr. Jonas writes a regular political column for His political website is His health and fitness website is Dr. Steven Jonas is certified by the American Board of Preventive Medicine and is a public health physician and a prolific author, producing a number of firsts. He created “Health Care Delivery in the U.S.,” the first textbook on the U.S. health care delivery system (1977). Now known as “Jonas-Kovner’s Health Care Delivery in the U.S.,” it is in its 12th edition. “Medical Mystery” from 1978 was the first book on medical education that proposed organizing its content around the health STEVEN JONAS, MD, MPH PROFESSOR EMERITUS Stony Brook University Renaissance School of Medicine Stony Brook, NY