Millennium Magazine_14th Ed_Haley Carbajal

417 Millennium - A Marquis Who’s Who Magazine TRANSPORTATION Richmond, Virginia. As part of his responsibilities, Mr. Williams oversaw the company’s aviation department, which was primarily responsible for transporting executives. Now retired from professional work, he leveraged his experience while honorably serving as a member of the U.S. Armed Forces to find a great deal of success in his vocation. As part of his ongoing commitment to his profession, Mr. Williams remains affiliated with the National Business Aviation Association, the Vintage Aircraft Association and Toastmasters International. In addition to his accomplishments in the field, he is well regarded for his dedication to civic advocacy, regularly volunteering with the Make-A-Wish Foundation of America and other charitable organizations. Outside of his professional endeavors, Mr. Williams is fond of reading mystery novels and other classical books and is an active member of his local church. Over the course of his career, Mr. Williams has largely attributed his success to his dedicated work ethic and willingness to learn new things. To this end, his time serving in the military inspired him to learn how to fly and ultimately led to his thriving career in aviation. He is particularly proud of the trajectory of his career, having risen from the ranks of copilot to overseeing the entire air division of the corporation. In the coming years, Mr. Williams hopes to continue studying and become more involved with helping individuals in both federal and local offices. Married to his wife Shelby for 45 years, he is the proud father of one daughter, Dawn, and a son-in-law, Randy. He also has four beloved grandchildren: Elizabeth, Taylor, Haley and Olivia. With 35 years of practiced expertise to his credit, W. Douglas Williams is a proven leader in the field of aviation. For the majority of his career, he served as the chief pilot and aviation department manager for the Ethyl Corporation, a leading chemical manufacturer and fuel additive supplier headquartered in W. DOUGLAS WILLIAMS CHIEF PILOT (RETIRED) Ethyl Corporation Glen Allen, VA