Millennium Magazine 15th Ed_Abrar Hashmi

169 Millennium - A Marquis Who’s Who Magazine FINANCE AND INSURANCE Satoshi Nakamoto, the developer of Blockchain and Bitcoin, Dr. Celestin has allowed his Blockchain platform to tokenize his members’ financial issues to create liquidity and eliminate debt. This allows peer-to-peer transparency between the Blockchain platform and the member. Please visit, and The purpose of Blockchain and Bitcoin was to decentralize the financial system. In Blockchain, one cannot create debt because Blockchain is a peer-to-peer transaction and has transparency. All the projects that Dr. Celestin and his company fund are recorded at the Court of Records and the County Recorder Office. To this end, Funder One Capital has funded two projects in Florida that are still successful today. Notably, they are the only platform in Blockchain that create true tokens, as the tokens are created by members who sign each token and are registered in the Court of Records, the County Recorders and Blockchain. Earlier in his career, Dr. Celestin worked as a mortgage broker and banker for three decades. Drawing upon several advanced degrees, he recently obtained a PhD from Cornerstone Christian University in 2021. He has also lent his time to several charitable efforts, including volunteering at local churches. Additionally, he has volunteered at his children’s schools. As a testament to his success, he has been the recipient of numerous accolades from not only the companies with which he has worked but also various churches. Dr. Celestin attributes his success to his ability to understand his environment, those around him and current events that create substantial impacts on his industry. He notes that his success in the field is derived from his affinity for helping his members understand the financial process, which has proved invaluable in the field. Looking forward, he intends to continue distributing his Blockchain platform of tokenization around the globe. Possessing over 30 years of experience in the field of finance, Dr. Ced Celestin has served as a partner and the chief operating officer of Funder One Capital LLC in Anaheim Hills, California, since 2017. Dr. Celestin created a Blockchain platform that members have the option to use to halt the foreclosure process. Following in the footsteps of CED CELESTIN, PHD PARTNER, CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER Funder One Capital LLC Anaheim Hills, CA