Millennium Magazine_16th Ed_Taryn Proudsworth

You may not be a seasoned hoarder, but there is a good chance you have too much clutter around your house, which can negatively affect your quality of life. Household clutter brings both physical and emotional baggage, making it hard to find what you need or get tasks done and making you feel stressed. Decluttering is a great way of improving your mental and physical health and interpersonal relationships. FIVE BENEFITS OF DECLUTTERING YOUR HOME 1. IMMEDIATE ANXIETY REDUCTION How do you feel when you come home to see a pile of dirty dishes or mountains of laundry that need your attention? What about barely being able to move in your living space without knocking piles of trinkets over? The answers you might have come up with are probably “stressed” and “annoyed.” Decluttering is an excellent way to alleviate environmentally derived anxiety. Making your space clean, open and orderly will be immediately reflected in your mental state. If you are feeling down, depressed or agitated, one of the best ways to receive relief is to improve your surroundings. Try making your bed and tackling that pile of junk that surrounds you. 2. BETTER FAMILY RELATIONSHIPS Too much clutter in the house can cause stress in the family. How often do spouses fight with each other about messes in the home? Parents can often find themselves more frustrated with their children when they cannot find something they are looking for amid piles of clutter. Decluttering makes a home more orderly and easier to keep clean — and this can work wonders for relieving family stress. 3. REDISCOVER LOST TREASURES Decluttering is a fun process because you often rediscover lost treasures you forgot you even had. You may be surprised to find gear and gadgets that were already on your shopping list — a huge win if you were hoping to save some money. Some individuals find things that can be repurposed or quality items that can be resold for instant cash. Taking proper stock of what you already have not only helps clear space in your home but also creates a healthy sense of abundance. 4. BETTER AIR QUALITY Cluttered living spaces are bad for your health. When surfaces aren’t regularly cleaned, they can collect mold, dust and pet hair, all of which worsen the air quality of your home. If you find yourself struggling with sinus congestion and allergies, consider decluttering and reorganizing. This can help make your home feel less stuffy and provide less surface area for allergens to accumulate. 5. IMPROVE CONCENTRATION It is hard to focus and get anything done when surrounded by piles of junk. Excess items can become visual distractions, with physical clutter competing for your attention. This makes it nearly impossible to focus on your current tasks, such as scheduling appointments, filing your taxes or planning a budget. Getting rid of clutter will enhance your ability to focus, allowing you to get more done in less time. If your life feels out of control, one of the best first steps you can take is to organize your immediate surroundings. Decluttering your living space offers immediate psychological benefits and can help you cultivate feelings of control and well-being. Aside from making your home a more pleasant space to spend time, decluttering offers a myriad of benefits for your body, mind and relationships.