Millennium Magazine_17th Ed_Dr. Deborah Friedemann

90 Millennium - A Marquis Who’s Who Magazine ARTS, MEDIA AND ENTERTAINMENT national awards, in addition to receiving recognition from quilt shows and juried exhibitions around the world. Most recently, she was presented with the Master Award for Contemporary Artistry at the International Quilt Festival, which included a $5,000 prize. Ms. Michaud is a regular writer for Quiltfolk Magazine and the Studio Art Quilt Associates Journal (SAQA), and she has been featured in Quilting Arts Magazine, bUneke Magazine, and on The Quilt Show and Quilting Arts TV. As a rising star in the medium, she is an advocate for the increased visibility and accessibility of quilting, especially among younger artists and makers, and she sits on the board of the SAQA. Looking to the future, Ms. Michaud hopes to continue winning accolades for her work and sparking artistic interest in younger generations. Kestrel Michaud is an award-winning fine art quilter known for her photorealistic pieces and large-scale fabric illustrations inspired by fantasy and fan art. She was encouraged to explore her creativity from a young age, and she began to experiment with fiber arts as a high school student. Her natural skill and eye for design earned her early accolades, and her work was being shown and sold in regional galleries by the time she was 16 years old. In pursuit of a higher education, Ms. Michaud graduated with honors from the Ringling College of Art and Design with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in illustration in 2010. Shortly thereafter, she began a career in graphic design. After several years of focus on graphic design and commercial work, she discovered quilting in 2017 and pivoted to art quilting the following year. Through several years of building a presence in the professional fiber arts sphere, including cultivating a strong social media base and Patreon support, Ms. Michaud was able to leave the design industry to focus exclusively on fine art. Her designs have gone on to win numerous KESTREL MICHAUD FINE ART QUILTER West Melbourne, FL