Millennium Magazine_17th Ed_Gary Flaherty

448 Millennium - A Marquis Who’s Who Magazine GOVERNMENT AND MILITARY During his tenure, Mr. Clodfelter has played a crucial role in guiding the county through significant organizational restructuring initiatives, and he was at the forefront of several major policy innovations. In recognition of his dedicated service, he has been the recipient of the mayoral Four C’s Award, honoring his demonstration of compassion, calmness, competence and courage. Within the next decade, he hopes to find and guide a successor who can continue the growth and transformation that he has brought to the county. Mr. Clodfelter credits his success to his positive attitude, investment in his peers and employees, and to the support of his many professional mentors. Outside his work for Miami-Dade County, he remains active in the National Association of Counties and the Government Financial Officers Association, and he focuses on maintaining a sound body and mind. David L. Clodfelter is a leader and financial and management services expert who has built his career in helping municipal governments and other agencies grow and meet their long-term goals. Well-qualified in the field, he holds a BBA from Nova Southeastern University. Furthermore, he attended the University of Miami Herbert Business School, graduating in 2001 with an executive MBA. Mr. Clodfelter began his career in government administration with Miami-Dade County in 1988 and progressed over the years to higherlevel management positions, such as the chief of budget and performance reporting for the county’s Department of Transportation and Public Works in 2005. In 2009, he became a senior coordinator for the county’s Office of Management and Budget, where he developed a reputation for leadership excellence, in addition to his in-depth understanding of the county's financial needs and goals. He was named interim director of the office in 2020 and moved into the role permanently the following year, overseeing the county’s operating and capital budgets, as well as managing grant funding, cost recovery, the leveraging of debt and bond administration and all other administrative responsibilities. DAVID L. CLODFELTER CHIEF BUDGET OFFICER, DIRECTOR OF THE OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET Miami-Dade County Miami, FL