Millennium Magazine_17th Ed_Gerald Gruenbaum

297 Millennium - Seventeenth Edition ENERGY, ENGINEERING AND MANUFACTURING an administrative assistant, rising management analyst in 2017 and energy programs manager in 2018. As energy programs manager, Ms. Yochum drafted and successfully pushed legislation to enhance the efficiency of lightbulbs. In 2023, Ms. Yochum became a state outreach coordinator for the Building Performance Association, rising to director of programs and partnerships in 2024. As a director, she secures funding through grants and contracts to advance energy efficiency policies and practices nationwide, in addition to building industry partnerships to ensure the continued success of the group’s initiatives. Ms. Yochum has dedicated her career to supporting energy policy reforms that increase efficiency in residential and commercial structures through improvements to building codes, weatherization and tax abatements. In recognition of her advocacy, Ms. Yochum has received a certificate of recognition from the National Alliance of Women in Trades and a certificate of appreciation from the Department of Environment and Sustainability in Clark County, Nevada. Ms. Yochum recently participated in an industry conference that strengthened the Building Performance Association’s collaborative initiative with Puerto Rico and other United States territories. Through this experience, she has begun establishing new connections, interacting with key stakeholders, and cultivating partnerships that enable mutual growth and development. In the coming years, she aspires to lead further nationwide building code modernization and energy efficiency policy reform and hopes to have a lasting impact on the energy and power industry. R obin Yochum celebrates more than 20 years of success as an administrator in the energy industry. She began her career in 2001 as a residential and commercial escrow officer at North American Title Company in California, where she worked for 13 years. Following this position, she joined the Nevada Governor’s Office of Energy as ROBIN YOCHUM DIRECTOR OF PROGRAMS AND PARTNERSHIPS Building Performance Association Carson City, NV