BRAND IDENTITY ENCOURAGING CUSTOMER GROWTH THROUGH BRAND IDENTITY IS A SIGNIFICANT PART OF ANY BUSINESS. MANY ENTREPRENEURS NEED HELP, NOT BECAUSE THEIR SERVICES OR PRODUCTS ARE BAD, BUT BECAUSE OF POOR BRANDING STRATEGIES. FOR ANY BUSINESS TO BE MARKETABLE, THE BRANDING PROCESS SHOULD BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY. YOUR BRAND SHOULD BE CARVED UNIQUELY IN A MANNER THAT IS RELATABLE AND ADAPTABLE TO YOUR CUSTOMERS. WITH THESE CONSIDERATIONS IN MIND, HERE ARE THREE BRANDING STRATEGIES THAT CAN HELP BUILD MOMENTUM IN YOUR BUSINESS. HAVE A CONCRETE PLAN HAVE A PROGRESSIVE APPROACH EMBRACE UNIQUENESS “If you do not plan, you plan to fail.” The lesson in this quote applies to most businesses, especially ones with short lives. Before setting foot into any business, it is important to have a firm plan that presents how you will run your business, acquire more customers and help your team grow for the future. The plan can outline the details and goals you need to create a solid branding strategy. Before you start your branding discussion with your team, be sure your plan has been outlined first. Every business must keep its customers engaged with new products and potential upgrades. Customers love to try new things from their favorite merchants, and they will recommend their favorite brand to their peers. A simple change in your branding slogan can trigger customer growth. All these steps and a willingness to employ a change in your business represent a progressive approach that will add value to your branding strategy. When your business is unique, it becomes easily identifiable by customers. Even if you offer the same products as your competitors, you can still stand out by making your brand different. These include differentiating your coloring, logos and marketing presentation. In addition, the color, pictures and entire branding should have a relationship with your customers. When customers recognize your likeness through simple color schemes and a unique visual identity, you have a brand that stands out. CUSTOMERS BUY THE BRAND AND NOT THE PRODUCT. CRAFTING A LIKABLE BRAND IDENTITY AND CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE CAN BE PART OF AN EFFECTIVE AND ALL-ENCOMPASSING STRATEGY TO GROW YOUR BUSINESS. OUTLINING THESE STRATEGIES IN YOUR BRANDING PLAN IN ADVANCE CAN SET THE BENCHMARK FOR YOUR TEAM TO REACH AND STAY AHEAD OF COMPETITORS. AS YOU START OUT AND GROW YOUR BUSINESS, OUTLINE THESE BRANDING STRATEGIES WITH YOUR TEAM.