Millennium Magazine_17th Ed_Dr. Gurmukh Singh

689 Millennium - Seventeenth Edition SCIENCES, PHARMACEUTICALS AND BIOTECHNOLOGY scholar at the La Jolla Institute for Immunology in California since 2015. Prior to his current appointments, Dr. Montero was the chief scientific officer of experimental immunology at Biocon in India from 2010 to 2015. At the onset of his career, Dr. Montero was a founder and the department head for experimental immunotherapy at the Center of Molecular Immunology from 1994 to 2010. Additionally, he was a professor of immunology at the Havana Medical University in Cuba. Dr. Montero also holds several patents for new technologies and scientific methods pertinent to his field of study, including for a first-in-class immune modulatory CD6-targeted monoclonal antibody. As part of his vocational journey, Dr. Montero cultivated his own higher education, initially earning an MD in clinical and surgical sciences in 1989. After completing several specialist programs in immunology, he ultimately achieved a PhD in immunology from his alma mater and the National Committee for Scientific Degrees in 2004. He performed postdoctoral training in prestigious institutions such as the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel, the Pasteur Institute in France and the Oncology Institute of Southern Switzerland. To commemorate his achievements, Dr. Montero has been honored with several accolades over the course of his career. To wit, he won the National Annual Prize from the Academy of Sciences in Havana, Cuba, in 2004, 2009, 2010, 2013 and 2014. In 2015, he received a Gold Medal Award from the United Nations World Intellectual Property Organization. Attributing his accomplishments to his persistence and focus, Dr. Montero is particularly proud of various contributions completing the cycle from drug discovery to the clinical use of novel biotechnology medicines for unmet therapeutic needs in patients suffering from autoimmune diseases and cancer. With over three decades of professional experience to his credit, Dr. Enrique Montero is a proven expert in the field of immunotherapy. Since 2016, he has excelled as a research professor at the Beckman Research Institute, as part of the City of Hope National Medical Center in California. Adjacent to his primary duties, he has also served as a visiting ENRIQUE MONTERO, MD, PHD RESEARCH PROFESSOR Beckman Research Institute, City of Hope National Medical Center Duarte, CA