Millennium Magazine_17th Ed_Joseph Simon

207 Millennium - Seventeenth Edition EDUCATION impressive career trajectory is a testament to her commitment to excellence and her dedication to her organization. She holds an EdD in occupational leadership in adult education from Oklahoma State University. Dr. McClellan engages in a wealth of external work for Tulsa Tech, one of the largest career tech institutions in the state. Her role involves ensuring that elementary, middle and high school students are aware of the opportunities available at career technology institutions, which include half-day programs that develop skills in various industries such as medicine, pharmacy and construction. Dr. McClellan plays a crucial role in devising effective outreach and diversity strategies to foster engagement with Tulsa Tech programs and services among educational, community, civic and business leaders. Additionally, she leads the career services team in nurturing strong relationships with employers to enhance student outcomes. Moreover, Dr. McClellan is tasked with designing comprehensive metrics and procedures for tracking institutional trends and enhancing accountability through qualitative and quantitative assessments of programs, policies, and services. Her contributions identify needed improvements and implement evidencebased solutions that deliver optimal outcomes for all stakeholders. Outside of her work at Tulsa Tech, Dr. McClellan participates in a youth medical mentorship event, where local middle and high school students observe the activities of medical professionals, including surgeons and ophthalmologists. Having recently established a consulting firm, Dr. McClellan is exploring potential future career paths, though remains committed to promoting decency and empowerment through cultural intelligence, which involves treating all individuals with respect and dignity. For nearly 20 years, Dr. Joyce McClellan has excelled as the chief development and diversity officer of Tulsa Technology Center, also known as Tulsa Tech. She has worked diligently to rise through the college’s administration, now serving on the executive committee. Notably, she is the first African American woman appointed to the superintendent’s cabinet. Dr. McClellan’s DR. JOYCE MCCLELLAN CHIEF DEVELOPMENT AND DIVERSITY OFFICER Tulsa Technology Center Tulsa, OK