Millennium Magazine_17th Ed_Dr. Mary Ryan

214 Millennium - A Marquis Who’s Who Magazine EDUCATION In recognition of her commitment to the school community, Dr. Russell was named as the division chair for adjunct instructors in 2012 and served on the Tuning Oversight Council for Mathematics, Business, and Information Systems for the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB). In 2013, she joined the item review and standard setting teams for the purpose of developing the new TSI Assessment for the THECB. Outside of academia, she and her husband have honored their roots by farming for 45 years, growing cotton, wheat, milo, cantaloupe and pecans. Looking to the future, Dr. Russell plans to retire so she may enjoy more time with her family while also teaching as an adjunct professor for colleges and universities. She credits her success to her faith and family, and she feels that she is fulfilling the purpose that God laid out for her. Her life has come with many blessings, and she affirms that God has utilized difficult times to teach her who he needs her to be. Dr. Ava Hudson Russell is a mathematics educator celebrating 27 years of success in academia. Raised by a family with a strong background in agriculture, she began her career by pursuing an associate degree in computer programming. She continued her studies in the 1990s, receiving a BS in mathematics from the University of Texas, a master’s degree in math education from Texas Tech University, and an EdD in educational administration in 2008. Dr. Russell was an RPG II computer programmer for five years before teaching mathematics at the Ralls Independent School District. This came two years before she moved into higher education as an instructor in 1999, eventually becoming a professor at Western Texas College. She continues to serve at the institution today, she pioneered the school’s online math program, creating four remote classes in 2002. Within four years, she had grown the program to accommodate a full course load for remote students, including dual-enrollment high school students. Dr. Russell administrated testing centers for distance learners until online proctoring became available. Furthermore, she remains active as an advocate for women in STEM. DR. AVA HUDSON RUSSELL MATHEMATICS PROFESSOR Western Texas College Snyder, TX