Millennium Magazine_17th Ed_Pranathi Maramraj

112 Millennium - A Marquis Who’s Who Magazine ARTS, MEDIA AND ENTERTAINMENT Leveraging over 50 years of multifaceted experience in oil and gas, software engineering and, more recently, jewelry and art, David A. Kisselman has found success as the owner of Data Gems Lapidary Arts Studio. Having traveled around the world while previously engaged in work in the fields of geology and petrophysics, he cultivated a penchant for collecting rock specimens, including precious and semi-precious stones, from diverse locations. This hobby gradually transformed into an entrepreneurial venture, through which Mr. Kisselman now crafts exquisite jewelry and sculptures and has pioneered a new genre of art. Mr. Kisselman’s life and career are deeply rooted in his Christian faith, which grew and expanded in concert with his world travels. His experiences imbued him with the belief that every person should be regarded as a potential friend, which has allowed him to forge lifelong connections with individuals from a wide variety of backgrounds. Looking toward the future, Mr. Kisselman aspires to continue developing his innovative art genre — his target market includes billionaires, from whom he plans to allocate half of his proceeds to charitable causes. BUSINESS OWNER Data Gems Lapidary Arts Studio Fruita, CO DAVID A. KISSELMAN Viewing himself as more of an adventurer than a businessperson, Theron L. Kabrich III built his reputation as the chief executive officer of San Francisco Art Exchange LLC (SFAE). Founded in 1983, SFAE is well-known for championing the art and photography of popular culture. Their mission is to elevate art appearing on album covers, music and film posters, and in animation and magazines so that it may become respected as fine art. Investing millions of dollars and producing over 100 major exhibitions, Mr. Kabrich formed many relationships in the entertainment and publishing spheres. Furthermore, he has been interviewed by entertainment, business and journalistic outlets, and he has participated in several related film productions. Mr. Kabrich attributes much of his success to his trusting intuition and taking risks. Initially drawn to the field of psychology, he served as a psychiatric aid from 1973 to 1977. His subsequent travels abroad unlocked his passion for the art of different cultures, inspiring him to begin a career as an art dealer. Over the years, Mr. Kabrich’s creative impulses have also drawn him to writing fiction. CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER San Francisco Art Exchange LLC, Half Moon Bay, CA THERON L. KABRICH III