Millennium Magazine_17th Ed_Dr. Richard Larson

778 Millennium - A Marquis Who’s Who Magazine TECHNOLOGY intelligence into IBM’s development processes, making them more productive and efficient internally for the company. Mr. McCain is the leader of the development organization responsible for creating IBM Z mainframes, which are used by governments, banks and financial institutions across the globe. IBM mainframes are used to handle all credit card transactions, payroll management and other government-related activities worldwide and are considered the backbone of many financial systems. Each generation of mainframes released is faster and more reliable, a process Mr. McCain has been a part of for over four decades. Attributing his success to his drive, dedication, determination and curiosity, Mr. McCain endeavors to continue learning new things and hopes to grow his team at IBM further. In the future, he aspires to become a top technical leader in the company as an IBM fellow. For over 40 years, Edward C. McCain has served the International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) as a distinguished engineer. Previously, he worked for five years as a senior technical staff member. Following high school, Mr. McCain pursued his passion for carpentry, completing pertinent collegiate coursework and graduating with a degree in 1978. Instabilities in the job market then led him to participate in an 18-month course to become an electronics technician. Shortly after completing the course, Mr. McCain joined IBM in 1982. Mr. McCain manages a global team, with members in Poughkeepsie, Austin, India, Singapore and Germany, taking on major projects such as building prototypical mainframes. As the team lead, he manages priorities, issues and budgets, and as a technical lead, he makes decisions on mainframes, decides priorities and handles customer interactions. Working alongside clients, he provides assistance to banks and financial services companies to build solutions that meet their needs. Currently, Mr. McCain is working to integrate artificial EDWARD C. MCCAIN DISTINGUISHED ENGINEER IBM Campbell Hall, NY