Millennium Magazine_17th Ed_Robert Andosca

505 Millennium - Seventeenth Edition HEALTH AND WELLNESS master trainer in 1985. Throughout his career, he has explored numerous avenues for aiding others, including establishing the Master Trainer Institute of New York, a center offering education for aspiring and continuing motivational and corporate speakers, and Pandora Publishing House, an international clearinghouse for corporate training materials where he has served as an executive and chief motivational officer since 1988. Today, Dr. Gill excels as the chief executive officer of Pharmaco Pte Ltd. and Vitareum Pte Ltd. The international companies offer blockchainfunded telehealth services for unregistered and underserved patients globally, as well as affordable prescription drug alternatives to patients based in North America. Despite his innovations in healthcare, Dr. Gill is best known as a coach to numerous heads of state and as a teacher to millions as the host of the popular Singaporean radio show, “UnCommon Sense.” He also serves as the head of the Dr. Mel Gill Foundation, a nonprofit organization providing training to teachers in low-income schools, among other projects. Dr. Gill has been named a top motivational speaker by the Business Times, the Sentinel and the Napoleon Hill Foundation. Furthermore, he is the author of 157 books, including “UnCommon Sense” and “The Meta Secret: The Next Level,” a book based on his 2010 film of the same name. Driven by a desire to help others overcome hardships by transforming their mindset to “abundance consciousness,” Dr. Gill teaches a six-step process of mindfulness and behavior modification centered on goalsetting, self-esteem and personal responsibility. He is currently in development on a new film project, “Anything Is Possible,” and anticipates major research developments funded by his foundation in 2025. For more than 35 years, Dr. Mel Gill has sought to help others access health care options and develop into their best selves through his work as a pharmaceutical executive, therapist, coach and trainer. A retired clinical psychotherapist, he earned a PhD at Bennington College in 1981 and became a certified neuro-linguistic programming DR. MEL GILL CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Pharmaco Pte Ltd., Vitareum Pte Ltd. Singapore