361 Millennium - Seventeenth Edition ENTREPRENEURS graduate practical nurse in the Labor Delivery Unit at Baylor, in addition to her work as a registered nurse at El Centro College Dallas in 1970. A conversation with a senior anesthetist sparked Ms. Warren’s interest in anesthesia, and after several attempts to get an interview with Baylor’s School of Anesthesia, she was denied an interview. Not one to be deterred, the senior anesthetist suggested she attend school in New Orleans. Within four weeks of her submitting her application, she was accepted into the August class of 1973. She subsequently graduated in 1975 as the only Black woman in a school of seventy-four students. After returning to Texas, Ms. Warren accepted a position at John Peter Smith Hospital in Fort Worth, Texas, as a certified registered nurse anesthetist (CRNA). After three years, she joined the United States Air Force, Nurse Corps in 1978, where she built a career for the next 20 years before retiring in 1998 as a major with an Accommodation Medal, three Meritorious Service Medals, a BA, an MS and multiple other honors. In 2002, she formed Anesthesia by Musa, P.C. and continued to practice as a CRNA for the next 10 years, until her final retirement in 2013. Looking back over her extensive career, Ms. Warren found great satisfaction from the patient care she provided, the lives she touched and the precious friends she made, and because she gave it her all. She has contributed to numerous charities, including the American Heart Association, Susan G. Komen, SPACA, The Way (CLC), Christ St. John Baptist Church, the Bethlehem Holiness Church, Shady Grove (CME) Church, and The Redeemer Baptist Church, among many others. Winnette Warren is a veteran, entrepreneur and certified registered nurse anesthetist whose dedication to patients and commitment to lifelong learning have shaped her career for more than 50 years. She began her career at Baylor Hospital of Dallas in 1962 as a dietary aid, vocational nurse and post- WINNETTE WARREN CERTIFIED REGISTERED NURSE ANESTHETIST Anesthesia by Musa, P.C. Irving, TX