365 Millennium - Seventeenth Edition ENTREPRENEURS Millennium Magazine Featured Listee OWNER American Nails AVL Asheville, NC STRATEGIC LIFE COACH, AUTHOR, SPEAKER Coach Kimmy Union Beach, NJ THANG M. CHU Diversified in several career paths, Thang M. Chu is recognized as a business coach, strategist, consultant, realtor and business owner. For nearly five years, he has excelled as the owner of American Nails AVL, a premier nail salon in Asheville, North Carolina. Prior to taking on ownership of the business, he served as a nail technician for 12 years. Likewise, Mr. Chu is a noted real estate agent, having invested in properties since 2016, and a business consultant. He draws upon prior college coursework. In recognition of their success, Mr. Chu and American Nails AVL have been honored on multiple occasions. From 2020 to 2022, the business was recognized as the Number One Nail Salon, and from 2021 to 2022, he was recognized as the Number One Nail Technician. Attributing much of his success to the support of his wife and business staff, Mr. Chu intends to establish a second nail salon in the coming years. In addition, he would like to open the first Vietnamese restaurant in his region and a nail supply store as an extension of his current endeavors. Attributing her success to her own resilience and persistence, Kimberly A. Constantineau is proud to have led many clients along their journey towards transformation and prosperity as a consultant at Maxwell Leadership Inc. Since 2017, she has distinguished herself as a strategic life coach, as well as a behavioral assessment specialist and teacher. In this capacity, she utilizes a comprehensive eight-module course that draws deeply from the philosophies of leadership guru John Maxwell. Ms. Constantineau has also found success as the owner of Modern Tekniques Salon, a hair salon based in Shrewsbury, New Jersey. When her salon was bequeathed to her, she was inspired to enroll in mastermind classes by John Maxwell so she could learn how to properly run a business. Since then, Ms. Constantineau has internalized the knowledge that whenever one discovers their passion, they must dedicate themselves to its mastery, for prosperity will follow. In the coming years, she aspires to take advantage of advances in technology, deliver speaking engagements to millions of listeners worldwide, and avail herself on behalf of others through acts of philanthropy KIMBERLY A. CONSTANTINEAU