136 Millennium - A Marquis Who’s Who Magazine FINANCE AND INSURANCE With a familial background in the banking industry, Kelley A. Clowe always desired to help others progress in their lives financially. Earning a BA from Central Methodist College in 1964, he went on to obtain an MBA from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania in 1966. Starting out in marketing, Mr. Clowe served as a research assistant for General Foods Corp. for the following year before becoming a marketing research analyst for Anheuser Busch, Inc., from 1967 to 1969. From there, he served as a marketing research manager for Ralston Purina Co. until 1972. A former president of Clowe Mather Research Associates, Inc., for two years, Mr. Clowe subsequently served several banks in executivelevel marketing positions in Denver and Seattle between 1974 and 1983. Relocating to Dallas, he was vice president of marketing for Associates Corporation North America for the following nine years. In Houston, he was vice president of Bank United from 1992 to 1995, having thereafter served as senior vice president of branch development for Bank of America between 1995 and 2002. Since 2002, he has notably excelled as a certified financial planner and registered investment advisor for Capital West Financial Advisors. Lending his expertise to academia, Mr. Clowe has been an instructor at the University of Puget Sound and dedicated time to the Bank Marketing Association and Institute for Marketing Research. Civically involved as well, he is active with his local Rotary Club, for whom he previously served as president, and was an elder of his local church for 15 years. Mr. Clowe was president of the Colorado chapter of the American Marketing Association from 1976 to 1977. He attributes his success to his diligent work ethic and having an analytical personality. Demonstrating versatility in his field, he co-authored “The Basics of Bank Marketing Research” in 1978. While his career has been filled with accomplishments, he cites dealing with various bank associations in the 1970s to be a crowning highlight. KELLEY A. CLOWE CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER Capital West Financial Advisors Keller, TX