196 Millennium - A Marquis Who’s Who Magazine HEALTH AND WELLNESS Engineering. Board certified in anesthesiology and clinical engineering, he teaches anesthesia pharmacokinetics and is a frequent symposium speaker and visiting professor across the globe. He co-authored “The Harvard Anesthesia Monitoring Standard” in 1984, and is a founding member and past president of the Society for Technology in Anesthesia (STA). Notably, Dr. Philip conceived and wrote Gas Man®, a computer-based medical procedure simulation that teaches students, clinicians and researchers the complexities of inhaled anesthetic movement from a machine to the patient’s brain. As part of this project, he founded Med Man Simulations, Inc., a nonprofit charitable organization (EIN 20-8805345) that distributes Gas Man® around the world (www.gasmanweb.com). To attest to his success, Dr. Philip received the 2017 STA JS Gravenstein Award for achievements in creating clinical technologic products and safety in anesthesia. Dr. James H. Philip is a renowned educator, anesthesiologist and biomedical engineer who has accrued over 40 years of experience within his combined professions. Drawing upon bachelor’s and master’s degrees in electrical engineering from Cornell University, Dr. Philip worked for Hewlett PackardMedical Products Division, where he designed medical equipment as an R&D engineer. Discovering that physicians were often provided with tools they did not need, he decided to become a physician and thoughtfully connect the medical industry with physicians. In 1973, he earned an MD from the SUNY UpstateMedical University and completed a residency at Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH) in anesthesiology, the medical specialty most requiring engineering to achieve safety. Dr. Philip joined the faculty of BWH and Harvard Medical School in 1977, ascending to the rank of professor of anesthesia in 2012. He also serves BWH in Boston as Senior Consultant Anesthesiologist and director of anesthesia bioengineering since 2018 and 1986, respectively. He serves the hospital as medical liaison for the Department of Biomedical JAMES H. PHILIP, MD ANESTHESIOLOGIST, DIRECTOR OF ANESTHESIA BIOENGINEERING Brigham and Women’s Hospital Boston, MA