Millennium Magazine_8th Ed

280 Millennium - A Marquis Who’s Who Magazine SCIENCES, PHARMACEUTICALS AND BIOTECHNOLOGY D olores Michael Kulik is a distinguished research geologist and geophysicist who retired from the U.S. Geological Survey in 2000 after 34 years. Joining the U.S. Geological Survey in 1966, she advanced to president of the women’s advisory committee to chief geologist of the U.S in the 1990s. In 1997, she was promoted to the rank of regional representative of the women’s advisory committee. Supported by a BA in anthropology from the University of Colorado and an MA in elementary education from the University of Denver, Ms. Kulik maintained membership with the Geological Society of America. Notably, she is renowned for her research in the extraterrestrial tectonic deformation on Titan and her discovery that the Rocky Mountains in Colorado are low angle thrust faults with a compressional definition. She has also contributed to creative works and spoke publicly on topics in her field. To attest to her success, Ms. Kulik has received a plethora of accolades from the U.S. Geological Survey, including a 1996 Certificate of Sustained Achievement and a 1975 Special Achievement Award. In her spare time, she enjoys teaching children how to read. RESEARCH GEOLOGIST, GEOPHYSICIST (RETIRED) U.S. Geological Survey Calhan, CO P ossessing 48 years of experience, Dr. Clyde Thornsberry is a pioneer within microbiology research. Holding patents for the use of antimicrobial agents to sterilize tissue for implantation, he is also renowned for his research in the study of antimicrobial resistance and in-vitro testing of antimicrobial activity. He commenced his career in 1966 with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and in 1971, funded the Antimicrobial Investigations Branch. Prior to his 2012 retirement, he served as the chief scientific advisor at MRL Pharmaceutical Services/Focus Technologies/Eurofins, where he founded The Thornsberry Surveillance Network. Previously, he was director of the Institutes for Microbiology Research. A collaborator on over 330 peer-reviewed publications, Dr. Thornsberry holds a PhD from the University of Kentucky. An internationally sought-after speaker, he was also a program chair of the Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy and served the National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards for 41 years. A fellow of the American Academy of Microbiology and Infectious Disease Society of America, he earned the Public Health Superior Leadership Award. MICROBIOLOGIST (RETIRED) MRL Pharmaceutical Services, Focus Technologies, Eurofins Macon, GA CLYDE THORNSBERRY, PHD DOLORES MICHAEL KULIK