Millennium Magazine_9th Ed

301 Millennium - A Marquis Who’s Who Magazine LAW AND LAW ENFORCEMENT ATTORNEY Bloomfield Hills, MI POLICE SERGEANT (RETIRED) West Chicago Police Department Plainfield, IL EVELYN SIMON, ESQ. Supported by a JD from Wayne State University in 1978 and an LLB from Monash University in Melbourne, Australia, in 1980, Evelyn Simon, Esq., has accrued more than five decades of experience in the fields of engineering and law. She established her own private practice in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, in 1999, where she focuses her attention on international business, having provided advice in business development for several corporations across the globe. Prior to this appointment, she served United Technologies Corporation’s Automotive Group in myriad capacities between 1991 and 1998, including as vice president of strategic planning, general counsel, vice president of business development and legal affairs, and vice president of Asian business development. Earlier in her career, Ms. Simon served in executive-level roles for Chrysler Corporation, the Engineering Society of Detroit, Arthur Robinson & Co., Ford Motor Company and Sheller-Globe Corporation. She has also been a consultant in international business development since 1998. Volunteering her expertise as an instructor for Junior Achievement in her spare time, she was recognized as International Woman of the Year by the Women in International Business Group in 1997. Richard G. Theodore desired to enter law enforcement since he was a young boy. After finishing high school, he served as a community service officer until entering the police force at the age of 21. He first served as a police officer in Glendale Heights after attending the Illinois State Police Academy. He then went to West Chicago, where he served for 30 years as a police officer. During his career, Mr. Theodore served in numerous capacities, including as a drug liaison officer, field training officer, school resource officer, detective, gang crimes specialist, breathalyzer operator, advanced juvenile officer, apartment liaison officer and sergeant in charge of special operations. Prior to his retirement in 2008, while working as sergeant of special operations, he worked alongside Chicago PD, Cook County and DuPage County Sheriff’s Departments, the DEA, FBI and ATF. Drawing upon an AA in criminal justice from the College of DuPage and BA in criminal justice from St. John’s University, Mr. Theodore has been featured in newspapers, highlighting his police work. He was honored with Achievement Awards, two Letters of Commendation and the 1996 Award of Merit from the City of West Chicago Department of Police. RICHARD G. THEODORE